Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Garlic general benefits

Garlic is one of the oldest known medicinal plants, and it's been credited with fighting :

Heart disease, lowering blood pressure and helping to fight off colds.
Garlic pressed into service in India 5,000 years ago, while Chinese medicine has recognised garlic's powers for over 3,000 years. Although Alexander Fleming's discovery of penicillin in 1928 largely took over from garlic, World now use it as an antibiotic .


Garlic - helping your health:

-Most of the modern research on -garlic has concentrated on its ability to lower cholesterol and blood pressure as well as offering protection against strokes and heart disease.

-it found that after just four weeks there was a 12 per cent reduction in cholesterol levels in the research groups that had taken garlic.
-Scientists have also looked at the role garlic plays in helping prevent the formation of blood clots.

-A review of recent clinical trials, published in the Journal of Hypertension, showed that taking garlic tablets cut volunteers' blood pressure by between one and 5%. These results led the report's authors to conclude that taking supplements could cut the incidence of stroke by anything from 30-40%, while heart disease could be reduced by 20-25 %.
-While garlic is gathering a reputation for helping to maintain a healthy heart.

-Regular amounts of garlic seems to also help the body fight off infections.

- These antibacterial effects were first discovered in the early 19th century during an outbreak of infectious fever - English priests caught the fever but the French priests, who ate garlic every day, remained healthy. However, you don't need to suffer with a fever to benefit from garlic's health enhancing properties.

Types of Alternative Medicines


Is a traditional Chinese medicine which based on acupuncture concept ,involves placing physical pressure by hand, elbow or with the aid of other devices on different acupuncture points on the surface of the body.


this technique inserting needles into "acupuncture points" on the body in order to restore health and well-being, as treating pain and diseases. This therapy is originated from China.


This is ancient systems of treatment of diseases which has its origins in India. Ayurvedic medicines involve the usage of natural herbs and extracts for treatment of several diseases.


Its origin in late 18th century by a German physician – Samuel Hahnemann. This medicine use alcohol and several elements (like zinc, phosphate, sulphur etc.).


Derived from several other alternatives like Ayurveda, Herbals, environmental medicine .

Unani Medicines:

Its origin is in Persia (now Iran). It utilizes the honey and other natural extracts to treate several ailments.


It utilizes the volatile liquid plant materials (natural oils). which used to cure several ailments.

Magnetic Therapy:

It utilizes the usage of magnetism to cure several malfunctioning of the body. The magnetic field is used for healing of several malfunctions.


It is a sort of neuro therapy in which a hypnotic (Person who holds master in hypnotism) mesmerize the patient and make him feel to be cure.


It is also one of the ancient systems ,involve movement of body in several postures and meditation thereby fighting incurable diseases of body and mind.


Its origin from Japan and it applies massages of body parts with stimulation of several nerves. It is to relieve anxiety and depression.

alternative medicine

Alternative medicine:

is any healing practice "that does not fall within the realm of conventional medicine",which has not been shown consistently to be effective.It is often opposed to based and encompasses therapies with a historical or cultural, rather than a scientific, basis. Commonly examples include naturopathy,chiropractic ,herbalism , traditional chinese medicine, Unani, Ayuarveda,mediation,yoga, biofeedback,hypnosis, homeopathy, acupuncture and diet-based therapies, in addition to a range of other practices.term complementary and alternative medicine, or CAM which has become standard to be used.


Alternative medicines have proved itself as one of the pioneer healer for several ailments without causing any side effects. Alternative medicines have their origin since ancient times, and they were considered as prime medicines. But as the time elapses these medicines got outdated and replace by modern counterparts – Allopathic drugs etc. Allopathic medicines got deep rooted in the society as all these medicines are experimentally verified and render immediate cure to several pains and diseases. The nature of immediate relief renders a boom to these medicines. But these medicines have done a lot of harm besides healing. This is a common fact that allopathic drugs are not naturally and they are derived from strong chemicals which though cure the ailments but creates toxins in the body itself which after sometime leads to some disease , I am not an antagonist of allopathic drugs but this if found true in several cases of diseases like hypertension, Indigestion and Depressio.